The Confetti Pool (Nail Salon)

This is one of my best ones yet! Has something for every dog — the diggers and the snufflers alike.

I had been wishing for a massive amount of paper shreddings and – boom – there at my parents’ house: an entire Brute trash can full, delivered free of charge with a couple enrichment accoutrements on top!

The treats I used in the pool are bits from those bizarre assortment bags of rejects, and could we BE any more green in Crazy Town?! ….

Ellen likes to dig and has contributed in large part to the (dogs’) campaign to rid the yard of its turf. She has spunk.

Lenny likes to burry his snoot in the dirty laundry basket looking for garments in which there may be treats.

Sweet little Ray getting in there with the scoop maneuver and doing extra good work at making me giggle.

Phase 2 – The Nail Salon – Hilarious first attempt

Cookie: 5 digs but outside of test area.

Ray: 0 digs

Ellen 1 dig

Lenny 2 digs

Archie : was brave

Hascal 0 digs. 10 cheats

Jax 0 digs, 20 cheats, 1 theft

Blue: 1 dig

The control dogs – who DID DIG in the confetti pool enrichment test and therefore qualified as the controls – did NOT dig in the nail salon. At all. They pretty much exclusively used their snoots…

Next text – gotta hype them up a little first — they don’t dig when they’re calm!