
SEPTEMBER 18, 2023

Well. 🥴🙏🏻🥺

Lemme ‘SPLAIN!

I asked for this. I asked the universe for the privilege of these phone calls and to be able to help in this way.

I just thought, naively, the queue would wait until we were ready. Until AFTER the bake sale….

Dr. Baker just called me for a possible surrender.

She’s got a baby in her clinic who has an obstruction via urinary prolapse and hasn’t peed since Friday, and an adoring and very normal family who can only afford part of the bill.

Jeezy, that’s his name, needs a surgical repair, but Dr. Baker can’t even put him on the table today. He needs his bladder drained YESTERDAY and to be stabilized overnight.

“Would the family be able to keep their dog if we figure out a way to help with the bill? Not many people could afford this kind of financial surprise.”

“Absolutely!” she said.

I spoke to the mom whose angst was palpable over the phone, “Hi! I’m Ani and I’m the president of Ani’s Orphans and I bet you’re having the worst day. I’m here to help. I want Jeezy to get the care he needs AND for you to get to keep your dog. In fact, that’s a big part of our mission.”

In her voice I heard the gratitude pouring down her cheeks, “I have 3 kids; I didn’t want to have to come home without our dog.”

What she meant was …. how would she explain to her kids that the family dog had left the family? That he was exiled from their love, his bed, and misplaced just because they aren’t rich? How long would she have to carry that? How long would she feel like she failed her family? And what would happen to Jeezy?

Amidst a system crisis in animal welfare, the dogs who were fortunate to make it into compatible relationships should get to stay in them.

Furthermore, the dog they love was in crisis and needed TO PEE – and long story short – Ani Cannon is on the hook for the balance. If you’ve ever had the pleasure of putting a cath into the urethra of a grown man and have him THANK YOU for it – then you already know why I did what I did.

BUT! If you’re so inclined, you can make a TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation to Ani’s Orphans, Inc. to help me ensure this dog doesn’t have to be surrendered … or euthanized … that the family can just stay a family, and that loving dogs shouldn’t be reserved for the elite.

Dr. Baker is going to keep me updated on his progress and I will relay all info I get. And after things are a little calmer, I bet we’ll get some pictures!

Until then, send some good vibes to Littlepage – to Dr. Baker and the team, to Jeezy, and to his family.

Here’s a link to a campaign I (quickly) created specifically for Jeezy’s medical care and will update as I receive more information.

Even sharing this would be so helpful!…/07dc5330-e1d7-4195-ad4c…

Thank you for being part of our village!


Jeezy’s bloodwork came back better than anticipated, but rads showed he has a bladder and urinary tract full of stones which are preventing him from urination and caused the prolapse.

He needs to go to surgery immediately and is on the table and sedated as I write this, the loving team at Littlepage by his side, ready to save his life.

He will awake a special needs dog who will likely require a prescription diet for the rest of his life.

These are the hardest dogs for us to adopt out in rescue. He needs to stay in his family!

Good luck in surgery! We’ll see you on the other side!


Report from Littlepage! Jeezy made it through a lengthy surgery and they were able to clean his bladder out and remove the stone that was lodged in his urethra, and now his plumbing is clear for recovery!

His bladder is angrier than a puffed toad, though, so he’s voiding by catheter and will spend the night healing up so he can go home tomorrow to be loved by his family.

SEPTEMBER 20, 2023

This just in!

Jeezy’s condition is improving and he’s set to be discharged today.

Instead of coming to Crazy Town to recover and then beginning the matchmaking process all over again, he’ll go back home where he is loved, having lost nothing but a few stones. And his balls.

SEPTEMBER 22, 2023

Jeezy’s story might have reached its conclusion when he was discharged back home to recover in the bed of his 14 year old human brother, but that would be too sappy for us.

In all good stories there’s a twist in the denouement, and Jeezy returned yesterday to Littlepage for being unable to urinate.

After an ultrasound and exam, it was determined there was one last urinary obstruction: THE CONE! 🤣

He was diagnosed as also having FOMO as he allegedly bounced up in there like he owned the place and peed soon after the exam.

Mom has switched him into a post-op onesie and though I have used and love these garments, I’ve never seen a potato look so smooshy in one!

May be an image of dog

